
The raiSE Social Value Toolkit (SVT) is a guide to help Social Enterprises (SEs) and organisations to determine and measure their social value as well as to monitor and assess their social outcomes. The SVT can be used to generate a social value report for SEs to articulate their social value to relevant stakeholders such as the public, funders, customers and/or employees.

A common language for social impact
The Social Value Toolkit aims to be a common language for social value measurement among Social Enterprises. In coming up with our toolkit, existing matrixes with their accompanying indicators used elsewhere in the world such as IRIS and Big Society Outcome Matrix were reviewed.
In our initial list of indicators drawn out, there are quantitative indicators as well as qualitative indicators to be measured via tracked data, surveys, interviews and feedback. The quantitative indicators measure outreach, outcomes as well as the dollar values of the goods or services created. The qualitative indicators look at the less tangible outcomes such as wellbeing, and are more subjective and relative, but are equally important.
This initial list of indicators is a starting point for the Social Enterprises in producing a social value report of their work. It should be stressed that this list of indicators is not intended to be prescriptive or exhaustive. Social Enterprises can pick and choose indicators in the applicable outcome areas that are relevant to them and yet not overly burdensome for measurement.
This list of indicators will be further built upon and refined with your feedback and that of practitioners that are experts in this area of work. Please share your feedback on this social value toolkit with us via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..