Social Value Toolkit

The Social Value Toolkit (SVT), developed by raiSE, is designed to help organisations and Social Enterprises (SEs) determine and measure their human-centred social impact and value. Social value is measured through the identification of the key social impact outcome areas, metrics and indicators.
Once your social impact is identified, you will be able to key in your data and track it over time. Upon completion, you will receive a report generated from the data inputs that you can use to share with interested stakeholders.
Begin your journey of knowing and tracking your social value.
For Public, Corporates and SME Social Impact Creators
Free to try and create your report
With raiSE's SVT, organisations can begin to identify, measure, and track your human-centred social impact. The SVT allows one to create a profile and choose several indicators to begin tracking.
For raiSE Social Enterprise (SE) Members
Coming Soon