Capacity Building

Ho Yen Yee

Capacity Building

“Having received much support during my social entrepreneurship journey from many dedicated and inspiring people, I hope to do the same for aspiring social entrepreneurs.”

Ho Yen Yee manages Capacity Building programmes in raiSE to develop capabilities in aspiring social entrepreneurs and build the talent pipeline for the social enterprise sector through engagement with youths.

Yen Yee was a winner of the Singapore International Foundation’s Young Social Entrepreneurs programme in 2012. She co-founded a social enterprise - IMPad - to provide low-cost and biodegradable sanitary pads for women in rural India. Her previous internship at the World Toilet Organization and voluntary work with various non-profit organisations over the past 10 years gave her a good understanding of the social issues in Singapore and developing countries, and also strengthened her desire to help the less privileged.

Prior to joining raiSE, Yen Yee was part of the business development team of a start-up in the digital marketing field. She also worked as a Producer in the media and broadcasting industry, where she was exposed to diverse business industries, people and cultures. With her experience in startups and the social sector, she wants to support aspiring social entrepreneurs in creating sustainable solutions to address social needs.